The airport is being privately funded by a construction group. 该机场是由一个建筑集团私人出资兴建的。
EVS follows a different business model, whereby updates to the service for new requirements are individually funded by each service consumer group requesting the changes for their unique needs. EVS采用了一种不同的业务模型,在其中,为满足新需求而对服务进行的更新由每个请求针对其独特需求进行更改的服务使用者组单独提供资金投入。
However, it all comes down to managing a funded group of resources to a plan and schedule. 然而,归根结底就是为计划和进度表管理资源的资金小组。
It` s funded in part by the European Union, in part by a cellphone industry group. 该研究由欧盟及部分手机产业公司赞助。
A management audit by Ernst Young showed the centre was sufficiently independent from Huawei, which will address concerns about the centre and its staff being fully funded by the Chinese group. 安永会计师事务所(ErnstYoung)的一项管理审计显示,该中心已经足够独立于华为公司,这将化解有关该中心及其工作人员完全由这家中资集团资助的担忧。
The FAO project is funded by the UN Development Group Iraq Trust Fund. 粮农组织的项目由联合国发展小组伊拉克信托基金资助。
Leading this effort is the HIV Vaccine Trials Network, the largest publicly funded group of HIV vaccine researchers in the world. 人免疫缺陷病毒疫苗临床试验组织(HVTN),世界上研究HIV疫苗的最大公立组织,正起着带头作用。
The grant programme the ACP Science and Technology Programme is funded by the European Union ( EU) and coordinated by the secretariat of the African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States. 这项资助项目ACP科学技术项目是由欧洲联盟资助的,并由非洲、加勒比和太平洋国家集团的秘书处协调。
Hon Hai officials emphasised Mr Gou would use his own money for the$ 200m film studio investment, whereas the petrochemical project was expected to be funded by the pan-Foxconn group. 鸿海集团管理人士强调,郭台铭将自掏腰包参加总投资2亿美元的影视城项目,但是石化项目的资金预计将来自泛富士康集团。
The$ 7.6bn project, funded by the Chinese Development Bank and operated by China Railway Group, would move up to40m tonnes of cargo a year from Colombia's economic heartland to the Pacific. 这个76亿美元的项目由中国国家开发银行(ChineseDevelopmentBank)提供资金,中国中铁(ChinaRailwayGroup)负责运营,建成后每年可把至多4000万吨货物从哥伦比亚的经济腹地运至太平洋港口。
They're funded by a small group of investors like Gates who allow IV to underwrite research of its choosing. 这些会议由一小群投资者支持,比如盖茨自己,他允许知识风险公司签署它选中的某个项目,进行研究。
Northeast Expressway Company which is jointly funded and set up by Heilongjiang Provincial Expressway Corporation and the Jilin Provincial Expressway Group Limited and the transportation economic development center limited successfully listed in 1999. 1999年由黑龙江省高速公路集团公司与吉林省高速公路集团有限公司和华建交通经济开发中心共同出资,发起设立了东北高速公路股份有限公司,并成功上市。
The new generation of hackers, who have high intelligence quotient and the lack of moral sense of responsibility, was funded by some organized crime group and spam manufacturers, and created a deadly exhaustive virus-botnet. 新一代高智商而缺乏道德责任感的黑客们,在一些有组织的犯罪集团以及垃圾邮件制造商的资助下,创造了一种致命的摧毁性病毒&僵尸网络。